Natural Blur Backdrop

Rickey Randle

voice over talent


Silky, warm, authoritative,

middle aged, friendly


about rickey

"A proud Minnesotan with a passion for voice acting, this retired Army veteran has honed his craft in his decades of experience in the industry. With a background as a Technical Director in television, he brings a unique and dynamic approach to his voice over work, having worked with several top companies. Now fully dedicated to his voice over career, he is ready to bring your projects to life with his signature style and versatility."

Natural Blur Backdrop

Services Offered


ivr voicemail



"Rickey has wonderful range in commercial deliverables and absolutely rock solid narrations!"

angela castonguay | such a voice

Natural Blur Backdrop

Contact Me about file delivery & project turnaround time.

Let's Engage and Make an Impact on Your Project!

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